Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Don't go to extremes to engage your audience: go to Gamification.

We've seen a lot of very unique things at events over the years.

Mountain Climbers.
Bike Building.
Drum Circles.
Live Monkeys. (And an occasional Monkee.)

You name it. We've seen it. All in the name of providing audience engagement. There is an idea that there has to be a *moment* at an event that stands out--that makes it the "wow".

We love this. But. What about the rest of the event? After the silk scarves settle and the dry ice evaporates...where is your audience at? How do you CONTINUE to engage them past a moment?

If you have the most powerful keynote speaker in the world...and then you go back to PowerPoint after PowerPoint...all you have is that (very impressive, granted) moment.


The key to engaging an audience throughout an event is interaction with the audience. Learning and communication is not a one-way experience; it's a two-way conversation. Audience participation is fundamental to their own engagement.

One way that we engage audiences throughout an event--not just in a moment--is by incorporating gamification. Not only does it provide interaction and engagement, but it enhances the event:
• It's teambuilding that occurs outside a single activity and goes through the event.
• It's reinforcement and review of key content and learning points.
• It's a way to keep energy up during the event--there's not one "fun part" to the whole event...the whole event is fun.

Want to see how you can incorporate gamification at your event? We wrote a guide! Leave a comment or contact us, and for more event tips and tricks check out www.live-spark.com

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